What To Do If You Witness or Suspect Animal Cruelty
Types Of Animal Cruelty
According to The Humane Society of The United States, “Most reported animal cruelty comes in the form of neglect, with direct violence occurring less.”
Neglect occurs when an animal’s caretaker fails to provide the basic necessities. This includes food, water, shelter, and medical care. Neglect—whether intentional or unintentional— can become life-threatening. This type of cruelty is often the result of someone not realizing how much work goes into caring for an animal.
Abuse occurs when someone physically harms an animal. Sometimes an abuser will harm an animal because they somehow think it’s “funny.” Other times animal cruelty is coupled with domestic violence.
Some Warning Signs Of Animal Cruelty
Witness a person beating, kicking, burning, stabbing, strangling, or shooting an animal
Witness a person abandoning an animal
Open wounds or sores
Limping/showing a hard time moving around
Hair loss, lesions, scabs, or other skin conditions that aren’t treated
Collar so tight its become embedded into the skin
Infested with fleas, ticks, or parasites
Extremely thin and visible signs of malnutrition
No access to food or water
Lack of shelter
Confined inside of a car or another enclosed area during extreme weather
Confined to cages or kennels that are too small – animal is rarely let out
Poor sanitary conditions
Reaks of urine or feces
Too many animals living on the property
Kept in overcrowded conditions
Who To Contact If You Witness or Suspect Cruelty
The Cayman Islands has animal cruelty laws and, when it comes to reporting cruelty, the first step is finding the right contact. Here are some places you can start.
Police/Local Law Enforcement Agency and Department of Agriculture
If you witness someone physically harming an animal then grab your phone and immediately call 911. If you can get officers to the scene of the crime as it’s happening, that is the best. Along with an address, make sure to describe the type of abuse and the abuser’s physical description to dispatch personnel.
Local Shelter or Animal Control Agency
A quick call to the Humane Society, But if you can’t find the animal control agency then you can always give your veterinarian’s office a call. They should have those contacts!
Just like if you were to report your suspicions to police, provide shelter or animal control agency officials with as much information as possible. Document dates, times, and specific details of the incident. If you have any photos or video of the action, dog, or location then turn those over too (make copies first).